"Suggestions for a sustanable future"
This page is hacked by the World Animal Farmy (WAF) which is a consortium of animals who think that the humans have way too much freedom. We offer suggestions to take away as much freedom as possible from the people.
Our leading animals are big Brother, big Media, big Pharma, big Mac en big Ben. and recentely big Schwab joined our team. To create enough diversity, they will get advice from big Boobies en big Tasty.
It's impossible to get any contact wich us, because off the censorship by big Tech and big Pharma.
Only pigs will fly (18 juni 2022)
According to our playbook ("big bad battle") in the near future humans are no longer allowed to fly, because only pigs will fly in their private jets. Humans will become big losers.
Ze Bugz (28 mei 2022)
Today big Mac and big Schwab has dicided that humans are no longer allowed to eat hamburgers made out of meat. Instead humans will have to eat burgers made out of insects. So from now on it is: "You will eat ze bugz and big Tazty will be very happy".
When pigs fly (24 mei 2022)
This week we will sign a treaty with the WHO (World Hell Organisation) so we can change the World Animal Farmy into the World Human Army, so that ................ euh sorry, I mean The World Animal Farm into the World Human Farm, so that whe can own the humans and than pigs can fly at last.
You can read it in our book "big bad battle" which is available at big Bazar.
Filmed (22 mei 2022)
Big Boobies en big Tasty went to a concert with big Bastard en The Notorious B.I.G. Unfortunate for them it got filmed for TV, so they had to sit on the backseats reserved for the ugly ones.
WAF (22 mei 2022)
After the succes of the WEF (World Economic Forum) we have founded the WAF (World Animal Farmy). Big Schwab has helped us to create an organisation with the slogan "We will own everything and we will be very happy".
Our meatings are being held in a village called Dinxperlo in the Behindcorner of The Netherlands in an luxurius farm with a motherpool.
ELEVENTH (19 mei 2022)
Also Nwuao'o(Dirk) is no longer allowed to write articles anymore, because he/she did put an article of a human on her page. Only pigs are aloud to write articles on this website, because we speak te truth and humor "ist verboten".
TENTH / SHUTDOWN (5 mei 2022)
Humans are not longer aloud to write or read free speech anymore. That's why we have to freeze this website. We have arrested Winaud Rook and seized his laptop. All the other writers have been shutdown from the internet and their bankaccounts are being blocked.
Nwuao'o (Dirk) is the only one who is allowed to write articles in the future, because he/she is an alien and not a human. But if necessary
we will censure him/her like we did with Dauko Winor. Members of The Animal Farmy are also aloud to write on this website, but I don't think that big Boobies and big Tasty can write at all.
Have a nice Liberation Day (5 mei) and enjoy the freedomfestivals.
Ninth (22 jan 2022)
Female humans who do not follow our rules will be sent to prison, where they will be tortured. First they will have to listen to the music of Ali B continiously, and when they still don't comply (which is almost impossible) Ali B will pay them a visit personally. Then he will perform his real personalityshow: Ali's Big Gang Bang.
Male humans will get an even tougher "threatement" by a double whammy of Geer & Goor.
Eighth (6 jan 2022)
Elected humans need to swear their loyalty to me instead of the King. They also have to be an angry bastard and as anti human like me. So "Loyal to the Royal" becomes "Botter than big Brother".
Anti-virus (29 dec 2021)
This song from The Human Army is brought to you by:
Seventh (29 dec 2021)
Humans are allowed to have sex, but only with pigs. We call it "Porky's Spicy Amusement Porkography".
Sixth (15 dec 2021)
Humans are allowed to vote on the equal pigs in the Animal Farmy. But we always stay in command, because we are more equal. That's why we have a party tonight called "The Animal Farmy Schweindamic". The party starts at 17.00hr and the password is "Onirkroink".
Fifth (28 nov 2021)
It's forbidden for humans to laugh or to be funny anymore between 17.00 en 5.00h. We don't like humor and self-mockery is strange to us. The only way to laugh is like a Animal Farmer with a toothache.
Fourth (18 nov 2021)
Human must stay in their homes. Scharrelhumans are no longer aloud.
Third (2 nov 2021)
Humans need to have yellow earmarks with a QR code, just like farm animals. It's for there own safety, because they are more visable when they ride on a bike in the dark.
Second (23 okt 2021)
It is not allowed for humans to have baby's anymore. There are too many people on the earth and they behave like pigs. Only big Boobies en big Tasty are allowed to have baby's.
First (29 sept 2021)
Humans who don't use anti-depressiva must lose their QR-code, because you need a little fun in the cafés en restaurants. These humans can infect others with a negative contamination.
Delay (25 sept 2021)
Because of his affairs with Miss Piggy en miss Tasty, big Brother can only make one statement at the time.
Statement (15 aug 2021)
Big brother will make a statement this afternoon on this website. He will offer 10 solutions to decrease the freedom of humans. The only problem is that he is distracted bij Miss Piggy, so it can take a little longer.